Something to look forward to in 2013
❏ blog
i was able to make 32 posts since starting my blog in september
- never thought i could do these in the beginning -
since then it became something i look forward doing everyday.
and this year,
i declare ...
♥ to add more features in my blog,
♥ to start giveaways,
♥ to learn more about HTMLs,
♥ to do more projects and more DIYs,
♥ to blog more often,
♥ to attract more views
❏ craft
there are so many projects i have in mind
but would love to do more sewing projects using my serger
and more embroidery projects
❏ home improvement
so looking forward to a backyard make-over which includes
building a fire pit and converting an old swing set into a garden oasis
❏ my etsy shop
after setting up my etsy shop in september ,
I still have to post my very first item for sale to be able to open my shop.
where do i begin ....
❏ the motto of the year
something to live by...
'if you think and feel positively,
you will attract back positive events and circumstances'
(the law of attraction from the book, the secret)
☑ have fun
this is the easiest thing to do, so far
how about you, what's your hopes and goals for 2013?
✶have a happy and a crafty new year everyone✶